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Beğen 2

Zain Bhikha-Muhammad

Rap 1:
He was born in Arabia
Father already dead
Mother died when he was young
But little did they know that the orphan son
Would grow one day to be the chosen one
He grew under the tutelage of his uncle
One day when they were travelling was spotted by a monk
The monk recognized
That he was prophesized
He looked into his eyes
He saw in him the signs
And this was not astrology
I’m talking Deuteronomy
And so his personality
Was quick to gain autonomy
Grown to be known
As honest and strong
Trustworthy everybody loved him like they love they own
Family and happily at 25
He married Khadija a woman who would stand by his side
But as the days flew by
Questions arise
How his people was living they lives
Paganistic and ritualistic
So this caused him to meditate about his existence
In many instances he would retreat to a cave
Just to contemplate
Age 40
Cave was the scene
Angel appears
Tells him to read
What shall I read
Never was a literate one so tell him what do you mean
Zain 1:
The same moon, the same star
Gazed right down at Rasulullah
They saw him climb, down from Hira
Now a Prophet, a Messenger
And in the sky, was Angel Gibraeel
He said O’ Muhammad, O’ Rasulullah
Zain Muhammed is, and always will be
The last and final Prophet of Allah
He was a mercy, unto the universe
Peace and blessings be on Al-Mustafa
Rap 2:
He fled the home and told his wife an such
Was scared to death he thought his mind was touched
But she relieved stress
And confirmed
That he was indeed a Prophet
It was then he regained his consciousness
Realized what had happened no time to rest
Arise at morn
Call everybody and warn
The religion of Islam reborn
Now the first test was his family and friends
Lend me your ear O’ people who I have known for years
You have
Trusted me with your life’s possessions
I come to you now with a holy directive
A better direction
Away from the sin of worshiping false IDOLS
And mistreating your women
And no human
Can ever be judged
By the color of his skin
No instead what he or she does
Khalil Muhammad Peace be upon his soul
Muhammad Islam was his only goal
Muhammad Sallallah hu Alay Wasallam
Rap 3:
This is the belief that I bring to you cuz
And I ask for it nothing but the worship and love
For the Creator, the Maker, the Merciful the Savior
Submit your desires and you will gain His favor
Well can you guess what they answer was
Most of his fam simply laughed it off
Told him he was crazy and they cast him off
Took him as a joke all they did was scoff
But a few returned to the truth
Then another few and then another few
Before his family knew it he had a following
They laughs turn ta frowns see they really couldn’t
Swallow this threat to a power structure
So corrupt
All he wanted was to love his brothers
In return their was torture they would make him suffer
Many died but they couldn’t stop Allah’s Qadr, so he would rise!
Khalil Muhammad Peace be upon his soul
Muhammad Islam was his only goal
Muhammad Sallallah hu Alay Wasallam
Rap 4:
Invited to Medina
They saw he was a leader
Protection they would lend him
And he would be their teacher
The brotherhood would grow
His enemies would fold
The Muslims were outnumbered
Only fearlessness they showed
Time has come to go back home
In his possession now the strength to wipe out his foes
See they had tortured him and plotted on his death
Yet he spared them and chose no bloodshed
Cuz he was so compassionate
All he wanted was the people to acknowledge that
Submission would wipe out sins
That giving charity and honoring your mother wins
That righteous deeds would be the key
To salvation of the soul and we could be happy
And he would go down in history
As the Greatest of all time we send him peace
Zain 2:
So from that cave, in Mount Hira
To the holy city of Medina
In life and death, he showed Islam
Opened our hearts to the wealth of Imaan
So ‘o Allah, hear my Du’aa
Keep me as part of the Prophet’s Ummah
Muhammed is, and always will be
The last and final prophet of Allah
He was a mercy, unto the universe
Peace and blessings be on Al-Mustafa

Arabistan’da doğdu.
He was born in Arabia

baba zaten öldü
Father already dead

Annesi o küçükken öldü
Mother died when he was young

Ama çok az biliyorlardı ki öksüz oğul
But little did they know that the orphan son

Seçilmiş kişi olmak için bir gün büyüyecek
Would grow one day to be the chosen one


Amcasının himayesinde büyüdü
He grew under the tutelage of his uncle

Bir gün seyahat ederken bir keşiş tarafından fark edildi.
One day when they were travelling was spotted by a monk

keşiş tanıdı
The monk recognized

Onun kehanet edildiğini
That he was prophesized

gözlerinin içine baktı
He looked into his eyes

onda işaretleri gördü
He saw in him the signs

Ve bu astroloji değildi
And this was not astrology

Tesniyeden bahsediyorum
I’m talking Deuteronomy

Ve böylece onun kişiliği
And so his personality

Özerklik kazanmak için hızlıydı
Was quick to gain autonomy

Bilinmek için yetiştirildi
Grown to be known

Dürüst ve güçlü olarak
As honest and strong

Güvenilir herkes onu kendi sevdiği gibi severdi
Trustworthy everybody loved him like they love they own

Aile ve mutlu 25 yaşında
Family and happily at 25

Yanında duracak bir kadınla Hatice ile evlendi.
He married Khadija a woman who would stand by his side

Ama günler geçtikçe
But as the days flew by

sorular ortaya çıkıyor
Questions arise


Halkı nasıl yaşıyordu, yaşıyorlar
How his people was living they lives

Paganist ve ritüelist
Paganistic and ritualistic

Bu da onun varlığı hakkında meditasyon yapmasına neden oldu.
So this caused him to meditate about his existence

Birçok durumda bir mağaraya çekilirdi.
In many instances he would retreat to a cave

Sadece düşünmek
Just to contemplate


40 yaş
Age 40

Mağara sahne oldu
Cave was the scene

melek belirir
Angel appears

okumasını söyler
Tells him to read


ne okuyayım
What shall I read

Asla okuryazar biri olmadım, ona ne demek istediğini söyle
Never was a literate one so tell him what do you mean

Zain 1:

Aynı ay, aynı yıldız
The same moon, the same star

Resûlullah’a baktı
Gazed right down at Rasulullah

Onu Hira’dan inerken görmüşler.
They saw him climb, down from Hira

Şimdi bir Peygamber, bir Elçi
Now a Prophet, a Messenger

Ve gökyüzünde, Angel Gibraeel vardı
And in the sky, was Angel Gibraeel

Ya Muhammed, Ya Resulullah dedi.
He said O’ Muhammad, O’ Rasulullah

Zain Muhammed var ve her zaman olacak
Zain Muhammed is, and always will be

Allah’ın son ve son Peygamberi
The last and final Prophet of Allah

O bir rahmetti, kâinata
He was a mercy, unto the universe

El-Mustafa’ya salât ve selâm olsun
Peace and blessings be on Al-Mustafa

Rap 2:
Rap 2:

Evden kaçtı ve karısına böyle bir şey söyledi
He fled the home and told his wife an such

Ölümüne korktu, aklına dokunduğunu sandı
Was scared to death he thought his mind was touched

Ele geçirilmiş

Ama stresi azalttı
But she relieved stress

Ve onaylandı
And confirmed

Onun gerçekten bir Peygamber olduğunu
That he was indeed a Prophet

O zaman bilincini geri kazandı
It was then he regained his consciousness

Ne olduğunu anladım dinlenmek için zaman yok
Realized what had happened no time to rest

sabah kalk
Arise at morn

Herkesi ara ve uyar
Call everybody and warn

İslam dini yeniden doğdu
The religion of Islam reborn

Şimdi ilk sınav ailesi ve arkadaşlarıydı.
Now the first test was his family and friends

kulağını bana ödünç ver ey yıllardır tanıdığım insanlar
Lend me your ear O’ people who I have known for years

You have

Bana hayatının mal varlığıyla güven
Trusted me with your life’s possessions

Şimdi sana kutsal bir direktifle geliyorum
I come to you now with a holy directive

Daha iyi bir yön
A better direction

Sahte putlara tapma günahından uzak
Away from the sin of worshiping false IDOLS

Ve kadınlarına kötü davranıyorsun
And mistreating your women

ve insan yok
And no human

Hiç yargılanabilir
Can ever be judged

Derisinin rengine göre
By the color of his skin

Hayır onun yerine ne yapıyor
No instead what he or she does

Halil Muhammed Barış ruhu üzerine olsun
Khalil Muhammad Peace be upon his soul

Muhammed İslam onun tek hedefiydi
Muhammad Islam was his only goal

Muhammed Sallallah hu Aley Wasallam
Muhammad Sallallah hu Alay Wasallam

Rap 3:
Rap 3:

Sana getirdiğim inanç bu çünkü
This is the belief that I bring to you cuz

Ve ondan ibadet ve sevgiden başka bir şey istemiyorum.
And I ask for it nothing but the worship and love

Yaratan, Yapan, Merhametli Kurtarıcı için
For the Creator, the Maker, the Merciful the Savior

Arzularınızı teslim edin, O’nun rızasını kazanacaksınız.
Submit your desires and you will gain His favor

Ne cevap verdiklerini tahmin edebilir misin?
Well can you guess what they answer was

Ailesinin çoğu buna gülüp geçti
Most of his fam simply laughed it off

Ona deli olduğunu söylediler ve onu kovdular
Told him he was crazy and they cast him off

Onu şaka sandılar, tek yaptıkları alay etmekti.
Took him as a joke all they did was scoff

Ama birkaçı gerçeğe döndü
But a few returned to the truth

Sonra birkaç tane daha ve sonra birkaç tane daha
Then another few and then another few


Ailesi bilmeden önce bir takipçisi vardı.
Before his family knew it he had a following

Gülüyorlar, kaşlarını çatıyorlar, gerçekten yapamadıklarını görüyorlar
They laughs turn ta frowns see they really couldn’t

Bir güç yapısına yönelik bu tehdidi yutun
Swallow this threat to a power structure

çok bozuk
So corrupt

Tek istediği kardeşlerini sevmekti.
All he wanted was to love his brothers

Karşılığında işkenceydi ona acı çektireceklerdi
In return their was torture they would make him suffer

Birçokları öldü de Allah’ın Kadir’ini durduramadılar, o da ayağa kalkacaktı!
Many died but they couldn’t stop Allah’s Qadr, so he would rise!

Halil Muhammed Barış ruhu üzerine olsun
Khalil Muhammad Peace be upon his soul

Muhammed İslam onun tek hedefiydi
Muhammad Islam was his only goal

Muhammed Sallallah hu Aley Wasallam
Muhammad Sallallah hu Alay Wasallam

Rap 4:
Rap 4:

Medine’ye Davetlisiniz
Invited to Medina

Onun bir lider olduğunu gördüler.
They saw he was a leader

Ona ödünç verecekleri koruma
Protection they would lend him

Ve o onların öğretmeni olurdu
And he would be their teacher

kardeşlik büyüyecek
The brotherhood would grow

Düşmanları katlanacaktı
His enemies would fold

Müslümanlar sayıca fazlaydı
The Muslims were outnumbered

Sadece korkusuzluk gösterdiler
Only fearlessness they showed

Eve dönme zamanı geldi
Time has come to go back home

Artık onun elinde düşmanlarını yok etme gücü var.
In his possession now the strength to wipe out his foes

Bak ona işkence ettiler ve ölümünü planladılar
See they had tortured him and plotted on his death

Yine de onları bağışladı ve kan dökmeyi seçmedi.
Yet he spared them and chose no bloodshed

Çünkü o çok merhametliydi
Cuz he was so compassionate

Tek istediği insanların bunu kabul etmesiydi.
All he wanted was the people to acknowledge that

Teslimiyet günahları siler
Submission would wipe out sins

Sadaka vermek ve anneni onurlandırmak kazanır
That giving charity and honoring your mother wins

Bu doğru işler anahtar olurdu
That righteous deeds would be the key

Ruhun kurtuluşuna ve mutlu olabiliriz
To salvation of the soul and we could be happy

Ve tarihe geçecekti
And he would go down in history

Tüm zamanların en büyüğü olarak ona barış gönderiyoruz
As the Greatest of all time we send him peace

Zain 2:

Hira Dağı’ndaki o mağaradan
So from that cave, in Mount Hira

Medine’nin kutsal şehrine
To the holy city of Medina

Hayatta ve ölümde İslam’ı gösterdi
In life and death, he showed Islam

Gönlümüzü iman zenginliğine açtı
Opened our hearts to the wealth of Imaan

Öyleyse ‘Allah’ım, Du’aa’mı duy
So ‘o Allah, hear my Du’aa

Beni Peygamber’in ümmetinin bir parçası olarak tut.
Keep me as part of the Prophet’s Ummah

Muhammed vardır ve her zaman olacaktır.
Muhammed is, and always will be

Allah’ın son ve son peygamberi
The last and final prophet of Allah

O bir rahmetti, kâinata
He was a mercy, unto the universe

El-Mustafa’ya salât ve selâm olsun
Peace and blessings be on Al-Mustafa

Zain Bhikha

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