Web sitemize hoşgeldiniz, 18 Ekim 2024
Beğen 2

Zain Bhikha-Everything Belongs To Allah

In the deepest part of the ocean bed
A creature crawling on his belly knows that
Lā ilāha illAllāh
There is no God but Allāh
Riding on the crest of a wave in the sea
A dolphin squeaks and he whistles to me
Says Lā ilāha illAllāh
There is no God but Allāh
Every bird has a prayer that he knows so well
Praising Allāh in their very own tongues
Leaving their homes with Tawakkul Trusting in God’s plan
They do their best and Allāh fulfils
What is due for me is already written
So surrender and say to Allāh I belong
I say Lā ilāha illAllāh
There is no God but Allāh
On the golden plains of the Serengeti
A wise old elephant trumpets to me
Says Lā ilāha illAllāh
There is no God but Allāh
Underneath the Baobab tree
Where the cheetah lives and her cubs roam free
They say Lā ilāha illAllāh
There is no God but Allāh
Every living thing was made from water
Fashioned and perfected by Allāh
Some walk tall and some are small
And some lay deep on the ocean floor
So from the earth to the beautiful sky
The alternation of day and night
Signs in creation, we all shall die
To return to Allāh, Most Forgiving Most High
We say Lā ilāha illAllāh
There is no God but Allāh
When the vultures swoop down upon their prey
They cackle and they hackle but they all say the same
They say Lā ilāha illAllāh
There is no God but Allāh
In the murky waters of an old riverbed
Popping up his head, the hippopotamus said
Lā ilāha illAllāh
There is no God but Allāh
Have a look around the earth everywhere
Allāh’s creations made in noble pairs
We have each other as a garment to wear
Protection and comfort and burdens to bear
So how can we be oh-so-blind
To this wonderful world and its beautiful signs
We say Lā ilāha illAllāh
There is no God but Allāh
In the deepest crevice of my beating heart
A light shines bright overcoming the dark
I say Lā ilāha illAllāh
There is no God but Allāh
Whenever I am down, I look up to the sky
And I see the signs from Allāh, Most High
Most of all I see Light, endless Light upon Light
Mercy from Allāh who is yours and mine
Ar-Raẖmānir Raẖīm, Rabbal ‘Ālamīn
Bismillāh and again I begin


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